Thomas Tauris
Department of Materials and Production, Aalborg University
Postdoc in my group? see below
Guest contract:
Fundamental Physics Pulsar Group
@ Max-Planck-Institute for Radio Astronomy, Bonn, Germany
Research: Compact Objects, Gravitational Waves, Binary Star Evolution, Supernovae
(AAU Play video about neutron stars - in Danish)
Contact & Office info:
Prof. Dr. Thomas Tauris
Physics Section
Dept. Materials and Production, Aalborg University
Fibigerstræde 16, 9220 Aalborg Ø, Denmark
Office: 4.105 Phone: +45 6196 7554
Mail: tauris (at) mp.aau.dk
Teaching Spring 2025:
- 4th semester introductory course in astrophysics
- 2nd semester introductory mechanics and thermodynamics (GMT)
Teaching Autumn 2025:
- 7th/9th semester Physics of Compact Objects
- 7th semester introduction to special relativity
New textbook
Physics of Binary Star Evolution (read praises and reviews here)
Thomas Tauris & Ed van den Heuvel (Princeton Uni. Press, 2023)
Postdoc in my group?
Marie Sklodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellowships 2025
Talented young researchers working on compact objects (GWs, X-ray binaries, MSPs, SNe) are encouraged to contact me. AAU is providing proposal support service.
For data science (e.g. GW LVK data or pulsars), see Danish Data Science Academy Fellowships
Recent Postdocs:
Hailiang Chen (2019-2020), Yunnan Observatories (CAS), China
Long Jiang (2020-2021), Shangqiu Normal Uni., China
Recent Bachelor/Master/PhD projects: Please, contact me for possibilities in Aalborg.
Hans+Casper (MSc, 2025)
Jens+Holger+Mille (BSc, 2024)
Kasper+Christina+Christian+Carsten+Lasse+Magnus (BSc, 2024)
Hans+Casper+Peter+Jonatan+Claudia (BSc, 2023)
Mia Tøttrup (MSc, 2021)
Hans Brüner Dein (BSc, 2021)
Malte Malmberg (BSc, 2021)
Jedrzej Artur Jawor (MSc, 2020)
Benjamin Sommer (BSc, 2019)
Recent PhD/MSc students: (only projects listed where I was main supervisor)
PhD student Matthias Kruckow: Merging Neutron Stars and Black Holes (2013-2018)
PhD student Alina Istrate: Formation of Low-Mass He WDs from LMXBs (2012-2016)
Master's student Mia Tøttrup: Galactic Dist. of sGRBs and Biological Impact on Earth (2021)
Master's student Jedrzej Artur Jawor: Spin Evoluiton of Magnetars (2020)
Master's student Herbert Hauck: Isolated Black Holes Accreting from the ISM (2018)
Master's student Christoph Schürmann: Spin Evolution of Recycled Pulsars (2018)
Master's student Devina Misra: Formation of Ultra-Luminous X-ray Binaries (2018)
Master's student Rahul Sengar: Evolution of Ultra-Compact X-ray Binaries (2017)
Master's student Marilyn Cruces: Magnetic Fields of Milliosecond Pulsars (2016)
Master's student Lars Grygosch: Detection of Isolated Black Holes using eROSITA (2015)
Astronomy Picture of the Day