Teaching @ Aalborg Uni:
Autumn of 2022, 2023:
Physics of Compact Objects

Autumn of 2024:
High-Energy Astrophysics

Spring of 2022, 2023, 2024:
Introduction to Astrophysics (FYS4).

Spring of 2023, 2024:
Introduction to Mechanics and Thermodynamics (GMT).

Teaching @ Aarhus Uni:
Autumn of 2019, 2020, 2021:
Physics of Compact Objects

Teaching @ Albert Einstein Institute (Potsdam):
Spring term 2021 via ZOOM: Formation of Double Compact Binaries Detected in GWs

Teaching @ Padova Uni.:
Spring term 2020 via ZOOM: Gravitational Wave Astronomy - part II.

Teaching @ Uni. Bonn:
Summer terms 2013-2017 at AIfA: Physics of Compact Objects.
Summer term 2017 + Winter term 2017/2018 at AIfA: Astro Seminar for MSc students.
Winter terms 2013-2017 at AIfA: lectures on special relativity as part of Klassische Theoretische Physik at the Physikalisches Institut.

Teaching @ Uni. Heidelberg:
In the autumn 2013, I gave a course on the Physics of Compact Objects and their Binary Interactions at the XXXI Heidelberg Graduate Physics Days.

Teaching @ Uni. Copenhagen:
I lectured on many courses at the Niels Bohr Institute at the University of Copenhagen, e.g. Introduction to Astrophysics, Stellar Structure and Evolution as well as my own graduate courses on the Physics of Compact Objects (Shapiro & Teukolsky's book). I participated in organising a few international summer schools.

Teaching @ Herlufsholm:
I taught International Baccalaureate (IB) Physics and Mat:wh for 7 years at a Danish boarding school: Herlufsholm.

Thomas Tauris & Ed van den Heuvel (Princeton University Press, 2023): Physics of Binary Star Evolution

Popular science book:
In 2009 I published a popular science book on astronomy (232 pages, in Danish).

Newspaper articles:
I published a series of articles on astronomy in the newspaper Weekendavisen.

Video about neutron stars (in Danish):
AAU Play

Talks for the public:
I enjoy giving talks about the Universe to anyone who is interested in listening ☺

Press Releases / Colloquia, Seminars and Conference Talks:
List of Recent Press Releases + Colloquia, Seminars and Talks
Last Modified: 2024/01/11